Todd Brock: Todd Brock has written, directed, and producedmore than 1, 000 episodes of television programming. His shows ontopics ranging from landscaping to home renovations to gardeninghave been broadcast nationally on major networks including HGTV, DIY Network, and PBS, and locally in one of the country”s Top 10 TVmarkets.
As a freelance writer, Todd has researched and written abouteverything from mobsters to Pac-Man, and children”s storiesto cheeseburgers. He lives in the Atlanta, Georgia, area with hiswife, Debbie, and their two daughters, Sydney and Kendall.
Dave Zook: Dave Zook, his wife, Suz, and their fourchildren, Justin, Jordan, Jenika, and Javon, live on several acresin rural Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. He is the founder/owner of Horizon Structures, a manufacturer of pre-built storage sheds, garages, horse barns, and chicken coops.
Dave and his family keep a small fl ock of chickens at home in oneof his company”s coops. He continues to improve the designs anddevelop new ones based on customer input as well as hisfamily”s experiences with their own backyard fl ock.
Over the past nine years, Horizon”s line of chicken coops hasproven to be very popular with chicken fanciers – and theirhens – throughout the U.S., with coops now in 48 states!
Rob Ludlow: Rob Ludlow, his wife, Emily, and their twobeautiful daughters, Alana and April, are the perfect example ofthe suburban family with a small fl ock of backyard chickens. Likecountless others, what started out as a fun hobby raising a fewegg-laying machines has almost turned into an addiction.
Originally, Rob started posting his chicken experiences on hishobby Web site,, but after realizing how muchhis obsession was growing, he decided to concentrate his effortsinto a site devoted completely to the subject. Now Rob owns andmanages, the largest and fastest-growingcommunity of chicken enthusiasts in the world.
Rob is also the coauthor of the book Raising Chickens For Dummies.
6 Ebooks de Todd Brock
Todd Brock & David Zook: Building Chicken Coops For Dummies
As the popularity of urban homesteading and sustainable livingincreases, it’s no wonder you’re in need of trusted, practical guidance on how to properly house the chickensyou’re planning (or have alr …
Todd Brock & David Zook: Building Chicken Coops For Dummies
As the popularity of urban homesteading and sustainable livingincreases, it’s no wonder you’re in need of trusted, practical guidance on how to properly house the chickensyou’re planning (or have alr …
Todd Brock & David Zook: Building Chicken Coops For Dummies
Building Chicken Coops For Dummies (9781119543923) was previously published as Building Chicken Coops For Dummies (9780470598962). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the cont …
Todd Brock & David Zook: Building Chicken Coops For Dummies
Building Chicken Coops For Dummies (9781119543923) was previously published as Building Chicken Coops For Dummies (9780470598962). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the cont …
Todd Brock: Backyard Homesteading All-in-One For Dummies
Live a more sustainable lifestyle Historically referred to as a government program for revitalizing undesirable living areas, ‘homesteading’ today has come to mean the pursuit of a self-sufficient li …
Todd Brock: Backyard Homesteading All-in-One For Dummies
Live a more sustainable lifestyle Historically referred to as a government program for revitalizing undesirable living areas, ‘homesteading’ today has come to mean the pursuit of a self-sufficient li …