This book is a definitive guide to food, nutrients and diet and sets out in a clear, concise manner everything needed to provide an in-depth introduction to the field. It provides a single point of reference and is an indispensable aid to all those studying food-related subjects.
Food: The Definitive Guide is unique in addressing both the key issues concerning diet and the scientific facts about the constituents of food. The book introduces the techniques of dietary self-evaluation and provides a listing of weights of food portions, with their nutrient content.
Food: The Definitive Guide is written in a highly readable manner and will appeal to students of home economics, catering, nutrition, dietetics, and food science and technology, as well as to lay persons with a healthy interest in what they eat.
It will also be of great value and interest to teachers, health professionals and those wanting to know about the scientific background to present day dietary advice.
What are people Eating? Dietary surveys; Trends in food consumption; The National Food Survey. The Quality Diet Recommended Daily Amounts; Dietary Reference Values; Reference Nutrient Intakes. Choosing Food Effects of religion; Vegetarianism; Health; Obesity; Heart disease. Fats and Oils Fats and energy; Polyunsaturates and essential fatty acids; Rancidity and antioxidants; Cholesterol. Carbohydrates Sugars; Polysaccharides; Starch; Fibre. Proteins Essential amino acids; Cooking proteins; Bread proteins; Milk proteins. Minerals and Vitamins Na, K, Cl, Mg; Ca, P, Fe; Cu, Zn, Se, I; Vitamins and health; Pro-vitamins; Vitamins in excess; Vitamin losses. The Non-nutrients Flavours; Colours; Preservatives; Toxins; Residues. Not Just Nutrients Planning meals; The quality diet. Evaluating Your Diet Food evaluation schedule; Nutrient content of food portions; Evaluation of sample diets.