Autor: Tony Kirkham

KEW ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS has built a global resource for medicinal plant names that enables health professionals and researchers to access information about plants and plant products relevant to pharmacological research, health regulation, traditional medicine and functional foods.

2 Ebooks de Tony Kirkham

Tony Kirkham: The Kew Gardener’s Guide to Growing Trees
This inspirational book from Kew Gardens’ tree expert is the perfect guide to choosing and growing these essential garden mainstays .   With authoritative advice from Kew tree expert Tony Kirkha …
Royal Botanic Gardens Kew & Tony Kirkham: Cultivar árboles
– En todo jardín hay lugar para un árbol, pero antes de comprar un ejemplar es importante pensar por qué, qué y dónde va a plantar cada especie. ¿Busca privacidad, un espécimen ornamental que aporte …