Autor: Ulrich Lins

Ulrich Lins received his doctorate at the University of Cologne, Germany, with a dissertation on Japanese nationalism (published in 1976). For thirty years he worked for DAAD, the German Academic Exchange Service in its headquarters in Bonn, and served two tours of duty as head of its office in Tokyo. He has edited numbers of books in German and Japanese on German-Japanese relations and on Germany following reunion. The present volume, written originally in Esperanto, has appeared in German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and Lithuanian translations.Humphrey Tonkin is President Emeritus of the University of Hartford, USA, where he served as University Professor of Humanities. He studied English and comparative literature at Cambridge and Harvard (Ph.D. 1966) and has written widely on literary topics and on international education and language policy.  He has published numbers of translations from English to Esperanto and from Esperanto to English.

3 Ebooks de Ulrich Lins

Ulrich Lins: Dangerous Language — Esperanto under Hitler and Stalin
This is Volume 1 of Dangerous Language. This book examines the rise of the international language Esperanto, launched in 1887 as a proposed solution to national conflicts and a path to a more toleran …
Ulrich Lins: Dangerous Language – Esperanto and the Decline of Stalinism
This is Volume 2 of Dangerous Language. This book examines the rise of the international language Esperanto, launched in 1887 as a proposed a solution to national conflicts and a path to a more toler …
Ulrich Lins: Die Ômoto-Bewegung und der radikale Nationalismus in Japan
‘Die dreiteilige Grundkonzeption der Reihe (Darstellung – Grundprobleme und Tendenzen der Forschung – Quellen und Literatur) muss hier nicht diskutiert werden. Das Konzept ist so bestechend und prakt …