JÜRGEN R. GROTE holds the Marie Curie Chair in Public Policy Analysis at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. He has edited a number of books, some of which include
Organized Interests and the European Community (with J. Greenwood and K. Ronit),
Participatory Governance: Political and Societal Implications (with B. Gbikpi, Opladen) and
Governing Interests: Business Associations Facing Internationalization (with W. Streeck, J. Grote and J. Visser).
ACHIM LANG is Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Policy and Management at the University of Konstanz, Germany. He is author of
Die Evolution sektoraler Wirtschaftsverbände: Informations- und Kommunikationsverbände in Deutschland, Großbritannien und Spanien.
VOLKER SCHNEIDER is Professor of Political Science at the University of Konstanz, Germany, where he holds the Chair of Empirical Theory of the State. He has edited several books. Amongst them are
Governing Interests: Business Associations Facing Internationalization (with W. Streeck, J. Grote and J. Visser) and
Private Organisations in Global Politics (with K. Ronit).
3 Ebooks de V. Schneider
J. Grote & A. Lang: Organized Business Interests in Changing Environments
A book on the path dependent and path creating structures and attitudes of business interest associations in a world of Europeanization and internationalization of markets. It includes empirical data …