You either believe in ghosts and things that go bump in the night or you don’t.
After the tragic death of her husband, Tess becomes delusional, seeing things that aren’t there. She can no longer remember sleeping through the night. Nightmares, realistic and horrific, make her afraid to close her eyes; afraid to catch a few moments of sleep. She is tottering on the brink of a nervous breakdown and there seems nothing she can do about it. That’s when Amanda, a bombastic teenager born with a special gift, or curse depending on the way you look at it, barges in and takes over. The outcome of this invasion of Tess’s privacy is unpredictable, unbelievable, and life changing.
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Violetta Antcliff has been a member of the Nottingham Writers’ Club for over twenty years. A winner of numerous short story competitions, her work was area short listed in Waterstone’s Wow Factor story competition. Took first prize in Nottingham County Council short story competition with a story called ‘Irish Mouse Tales, ‘ which was published by Gypsy Shadow Publishing as an e Book in July of 2012. Spirit of Evil is Violetta’s 40-somethingth e Book with Gypsy Shadow since 2009 and follows ‘Poison Ivy, ‘ ‘Five Bedrooms and an Annex, ‘ ‘The Left Hander, ‘ ‘Crossbreed versus Pedigree, ‘ ‘Psychos and UFOs, ‘ ‘A Silent Scream, ‘ many others and the latest installment in the Jason Foster Series, ‘Jason’s Teen Years.’ She has had her poetry and short stories read on local radio.