Goes beyond the call for more humanistic management in the aftermath of a series of corporate scandals and the recent financial crisis, and offers advice on how we can build more humanistic organizations with the help of integrity. The authors shed light on leadership, governance and further implementation issues.
List of Tables List of Figures Acknowledgements About the Editors and Authors About the Humanistic Management Network and this Book Series Introduction – Why the Business World Needs More Integrity; W.Amann & A.Stachowicz-Stanusch PART I: i NTEGRITY AS A CORNERSTONE IN BUILDING HUMAN-CENTRIC ORGANIZATIONS Pursuing Organizational Integrity to Create Humanistic Organizations; A.Michael The Circle of Leadership Integrity Within Business Organizations; A.Cohen, K.Fiorini, T.Culham & H.Bai Humanistic Management, Operational Risk, and Employee Behaviour; V.G.Fitzsimons Integrity for the Common Good: The Missing Link Between Neoliberalists and the ‘Occupy’ Discontent; M.Tavanti Integrity, Legitimacy and Humanistic Management; E.von Kimakowitz PART II: BUSINESS INTEGRITY ACROSS THE ORGANIZATION AND BEYOND Restoring Trust in two Australian Organizations: The Cases of Herron and Qantas; G.Latemore From Practices to Processes: High Performance Work Systems and Integrity; E.D.Torre & L.Solari The Role of Accountability in Fostering Non-profit Integrity; W.Bielefeld Responsible Corporate Board Governance and Advancing Corporate Integrity Capacity; J.A.Petrick PART III: GLOBAL SUITABILITY, GLOBAL ECONOMY AND INTEGRITY Integrating Thinking Globally and Acting Locally to Design a Sustainable Human-centered Organization; A.Antti Stressing the Central Role of Integrity for Successful Firms; E.Giudici, F.Caboni, B.F.Pollnow & G.Ramos PART IV: VALUES AND VIRTUES AS A PRECONDITIONS FOR BUILDING HUMANISTIC ORGANIZATIONS Integrity as a Core Value in Organizations: the Development and Implementation of a Strong Ethical Culture; M.Sánchez-Apellániz, M.J.Charlo & M.Núñez The Importance of Values in Family Businesses in Spreading Ethical Business Paradigms; C.Dessi & M.Floris Spiritual Integrity: Building Blocks for Ethics and Humanism; R.K.Agrawal The Genesis of Integrity: Values and Virtues Illuminated in Judaism, Christianity and Islam for Workplace Behaviour; S.S.Case & J.Smith PART V:INTEGRITY AND LEADERSHIP – ENSURING DIGNITY IN BUSINESS Integrity and Leadership; D.De Persis & A.Lewis Leading with Integrity: The Role of Integrity in Building a Humanistic Organization; G.Fairholm Integrity and Leadership: A Positive Development Approach; L-H.Hung An Integral Review of Leadership and Integrity; L.N.Topuzova & A.Simha Humanistic Leadership in Work Organizations; A.M.Suliman & R.Hayat PART VI: WORKPLACE INTEGRITY Workplace Spirituality: A Best Practice Towards Organizational Integrity; T.H.Porter & S.E.Norris CSR and HRM for Workplace Integrity: Advancing the Business Ethics Agenda; D.Jamali & A.E.Dirani PART VII: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND ANTI-CORRUPTION MECHANISM -SECURING AND ENHANCING INTEGRITY The Subterfuge of Business Integrity: Legal Complicity with Criminal Organizations in Italy; P.Canonico, S.Consiglio, E.De Nito & G.Mangia Integrity And Corporate Governance: Controlling Managers And Meeting Corporate Social Responsibilities; O.Furrer Corporate and Ethics: The Case of Gatekeepers in the New Global Environment; P.Yeoh The Role of the Board of Directors in Ensuring a Culture of Integrity; G.Nicholson & N.Elms Basic Roots of Manager’s Ethical Competences; M.Bogdanovic The Hubris Hypothesis Of Corporate Social Irresponsibility: Evidence From The Parmalat Case; G.B.Dagnino, A.Mina & P.M.Picone Conclusions – Emerging Insights on how to Build more Humanistic Organizations with Integrity Index
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RAKESH KUMAR AGRAWAL Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour & Human Resource Management at the Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad, India AINAMO ANTTI HEESOON BAI Full Professor in the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University, in Burnaby BC, Canada WOLFGANG BIELEFELD Professor Emeritus of Nonprofit Management and Philanthropic Studies at Indiana University, Indianapolis FEDERICA CABONI PAOLO CANONICO Assistant Professor of Organization Studies at University of Napoli Federico II, Italy SUSAN SCHICK CASE Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, USA AVRAHAM COHEN Faculty/Coordinator for the Full-Time Masters in Counselling Program at City University of Seattle in Vancouver BC, Canada STEFANO CONSIGLIO Full Professor of Organizational Studies at University of Napoli Federico II, Italy TOM CULHAM GIOVANNI BATTISTA DAGNINO Professor in the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Catania, Italy ERNESTO DE NITO Associate Professor of Organizational Studies at University ‘Magna Græcia’ of Catanzaro, Italy DOMINIC DEPERSIS Professor of Business Law and International Business at SUNY-Broome, USA CINZIA DESSÌ Assistant Professor at the University of Cagliari, Italy ALI M. EL DIRANI NATALIE ELMS GIL FAIRHOLM KAREN FIORINI VINCENT FITZSIMONS Lecturer in economics in the School of Social and International Studies at the University of Bradford, UK MICHELA FLORIS Assistant Professor at the University of Cagliari (Italy) OLIVIER FURRER Associate Professor of Strategic Management at the Nijmegen School of Management of the Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands ERNESTINA GIUDICI Full Professor of Management and Communication at the University of Cagliari, Italy REHANA HAYAT Associate Professor at the College of Business, American University in the Emirates Dubai, UAE LI-HWA HUNG Associate Professor at the Department of Business Administration & Graduate Institute of Business and Management, Ching Yun University in Jhongli City, Taiwan DIMA JAMALI Professor in the School of Business, American University of Beirut, Lebanon MARIA JOSÉ CHARLO Associate Professor in the Department of Accounting and Finance at the University of Seville, Spain ERNST VON KIMAKOWITZ Director and co-founder of the Humanistic Management Center GREG LATEMORE ALFRED LEWIS GIANLUIGI MANGIA Associate Professor of Organization Studies at the University of Naples Federico II, Italy ANDREW E. MICHAEL Assistant Professor of management and economics at Intercollege Larnaca and the University of Nicosia in Cyprus ANNA MINÀ GAVIN NICHOLSON SHARON NORRIS Assistant Professor of Business and Director of Graduate Studies, MBA Programs with the Gainey School of Business at Spring Arbor University, USA MIRIAM NÚÑEZ Associate Professor of Accounting in the Department of Accounting and Finance atthe University of Seville, Spain JOSEPH A. PETRICK Professor of Management and International Business and Executive Director of the Institute for Business Integrity in the Raj Soin College of Business at Wright State University, USA PASQUALE MASSIMO PICONE TRACY H. PORTER College Associate Lecturer with the Monte Ahuja College of Business at Cleveland State University, USA MERCEDES SÁNCHEZ-APELLÁNIZ Associate Professor of Business Administration at the Department of Business Administration and Marketing of the University of Seville, Spain JAYE GOOSBY SMITH ABUBAKR M. SULIMAN currently the Head of MSc HRM at the British University in Dubai MARCO TAVANTI International sociologist and tenured Associate Professor in the graduate School of Public Service at De Paul University Chicago, USA PETER YEOH Researcher and lecturer in corporate and financial services law at the University of Wolverhampton, UK