In Enjoy the Journey-
Join in a celebration of warming moments in the memoirs of these women, with their horses, living along the Snake River Plain; Learn what they did to refresh their souls.
Whether driving a big team, moving a herd of cattle into a holding pen, seeing a newborn colt get up for the first time and suck from its mother, riding in a race, jumping over four foot tall poles, do specialty riding with disabled people, or watch a young horse you raised perform well as these women in this book fulfilled either their dream or helped someone else achieve theirs.
You will learn that several of these women conquered many obstacles; some of illness or injury and yet upon recover, acquired a good horse and continued doing something they loved so dearly.
Also in this book are places/ good trails listed where you too could go to ride or hike. It is stated where they are and what to expect as you begin your journey. They are written with clarity that you also will be able to see these beautiful places in your mind.
Enjoy your journey as you read and learn.
Enjoy the Journey is encouraging and compassionate. It reminded me that time spent on a good horse would be well worth the investment. (K. Hall, writer of non fiction novels)
Despre autor
Lenore has written three fiction “Journey” novels and one non fiction children’s book. They are titled; The Dangerous Journey; The Lost Journey and Star Dancers Summer Journey. (Western Romance) The other is called Calypso- Dark Horse and is for anyone to enjoy. She lives in Idaho with her husband, where they ride the many trails, often taking some family members and friends along with them.
“I feel I have been greatly blessed being able to ride horses for the last 60 years.”