Rolf Eligehausen, Prof. Dr.-Ing., studied structural engineering at the Technical University Braunschweig and gained his doctorate from the University Stuttgart. Following two years of research at the University of California Berkeley, he became professor for fastenings technology at the University Stuttgart in 1984. Professor Eligehausen is a member of numerous national and international expert commissions in the fields of steel-reinforced concrete and fastening technology and the author of a large number of articles and books on these topics.
Rainer Mallee, Dr.-Ing., studied structural engineering at the Technical University Braunschweig and gained his doctorate from the University Stuttgart. Between 1980 and 1987 he was head of Professor Rehm”s engineering bureau in Munich, before becoming head of development in fastening elements at fischer in Waldachtal, Germany. Between 1996 and 2010 he was head of research at the fischer group of companies. Prior to his retirement in 2010 he was a member of numerous national and international expert commissions in the fields of fastening technology and the author of a large number of articles on these topics.
Werner Fuchs, Dr.-Ing., studied structural engineering at the Technical University Karlsruhe and gained his doctorate from the University Stuttgart. Between 1991 and 1997 he assumed a senior position at Hilti”s R&D center in Kaufering, Germany. In 1997 Dr. Fuchs returned to the University of Stuttgart, where he manages research and coordination of projects in different fields pertaining to fastenings in concrete and masonry. Since 2003 he is also lecturer for fastening technology at the University Karlsruhe. He is a member of numerous national and international expert commissions in the fields of steel-reinforced concrete and fastening technology. He has published a large number of articles related to these topics.
8 Ebooks de Werner Fuchs
Rainer Mallée & Rolf Eligehausen: Design of Fastenings for Use in Concrete
The European pre-standard CEN/TS 1992-4 for the design of fastenings by means of headed studs, anchor channels as well as post-installed mechanical and chemical anchors is ready for use. The backgrou …
Rainer Mallée & Rolf Eligehausen: Design of Fastenings for Use in Concrete
The European pre-standard CEN/TS 1992-4 for the design of fastenings by means of headed studs, anchor channels as well as post-installed mechanical and chemical anchors is ready for use. The backgrou …
George R.R. Martin: Die Flamme erlischt
Das Buch, mit dem alles begann – der erste Roman von GRRM Der Hilferuf seiner Jugendliebe Gwen führt Dirk t’Larien zu der sterbenden Welt Worlorn. Aber als er dort eintritt, scheint Gwen es sich ande …
Rolf Eligehausen & Werner Fuchs: Connections between Steel and Concrete
Anchorage by fasteners and composite structures of steel and concrete have seen dramatic progress in research, technology and application over the past decades. The understanding of the fundamental p …
Werner Fuchs: Das Schwarze Auge: Durch das Tor der Welten
B8 Gnadenlos brennt die Sonne auf die Wüste Khom herab. Durch die glühende Hitze schleppt sich mühsam eine Gruppe verwegener Gestalten. Sie sind dabei! Quälender Durst beherrscht Ihre Gedanken. Keine …
Joanna Russ: Erwachende Welten
Jeannine lebt in New York City – aber nicht in einer Welt, wie wir sie kennen: Hier hat die Weltwirtschaftskrise nie aufgehört und der Zweite Weltkrieg nie stattgefunden. Auch eine feministische Bewe …