This important contribution to the issue of renewable energy describes the technical and economical requirements of mass-produced solar thermal power plants, from the different types of power plants to the development needs and a massive development program. The authors – renowned and experienced experts in the field – show that solar thermal power plants, because of their simple technology, are easy to build with high production rates and therefore can play a substantial role in the rapid substitution of fossil fuels. On the basis of solar thermal power (using long distance transmission) and coal from substituted coal plants, a future energy system is described supplying gas and liquid fuels. This is the first discussion of a complete concept, of a crash-strategy, for the partial replacement of oil and natural gas.
The Salient Facts
Solar Technologies –
An Overview
Some Additional Economic Factors
The Potential of Solar Thermal Power Plants for the Energy Supply
Parabolic Trough Power Plants
Solar Updraft Power Plants
Fossil-Fuel Power Plants
Technologies for Backup Power Generation and Alternatives for Future Energy Supplies
The Large-scale Use of Nuclear Energy
Despre autor
Werner Vogel studied physics, chemistry and mathematics at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany. He was involved there at the Institute of Applied Physics in research on solar hydrogen and fuel-cell power plants from 1977 to 1979. Since 1980 he has been a freelance researcher in the ? eld of solar energy, especially solar thermal power plants.
Henry Kalb studied physics and was involved in research on solar-hydrogen technology at the University of Karlsruhe from 1976 to 1980. Since 1980, he has been an independent researcher (System-Innovation Karlsruhe), specializing in the areas of solar energy, particularly solar thermal power, and environmental technology.