This practical book ”Groundwarer Pumping Tests”, details concepts, techniques, field work, case studies, and microcomputer models-information designed to improve accuracy and reliability. The reader is expected to have a working knowledge of hydrogeology or access to books on groundwater geology and hydrology.
Too frequently, groundwater pumping test design and analysis ignore well storage capacity, delayed gravity yield, well partial penetration, and aquitard storativity impacts without proving them negligible. As a result, erroneous conclusions are reached concerning aquifer system hydraulic characteristics, boundaries, and discontinuities. Pumping test data often is filtered arbitrarily without adequate justification in attempts to match inappropriate aquifer models and field conditions. Antecedent water level trends and water level adjustments for changes in barometric pressure and surface water stages frequently are ignored in calculating drawdown and recovery. Finally, manual graphic analysis supplemented with microcomputer programs is, to an excessive extent, being replaced by fully automatic microcomputer analysis without critical examination of interpretative methods in program algorithms and their limitations. This book will focus needed attention on the facets mentioned above.