Jimmy has been struggling with schizophrenia for quite some time. He has been in and out of the hospital before, but he is still stuck in a level of denial that is difficult for anyone to grasp, especially himself. When he is submitted to the hospital yet again, several factors come into play. He rationalizes discontinuing his medication compliance. He justifies brash, unsuitable behavior. He victimizes himself. He refuses help from others.
Then a beautiful woman comes into his life. She is the representation of Jimmy’s every desire, and he falls for her in every way. She inspires him to become an even greater man than he believes he can be. He would never let go of such a woman. No man would.
But she tempts his soul in ways that only the most beautiful temptress in the world possibly could. She challenges his belief in everything. She creates a need in him for her that only he can fully comprehend. She seems to hold the key to his integrity and his sanity. Because of this woman, Jimmy is able to accomplish goals he never thought he could achieve. Because of this woman, he has a renewed perspective on life. Because of this woman, he has a severe confidence that no one can take away. But, because of this woman, Jimmy is slowly reverting back to a state of paranoia, fear, anguish, and despair.
Eventually, schizophrenia catches up with him again and this puts him at odds with the ones who love him most. He is tormented by his past, and he can not see a way into the future. Somehow he must do the one thing that he never can seem to do. Somehow, he must see himself.
Despre autor
William Gregg currently resides in his home-state of Virginia. At the age of twenty-four he acquired schizophrenia. Having battled this disease for more than a decade now, he sees that there is an opportunity to express what it means to be schizophrenic in today’s world.
His hope is that he can captivate an audience of people who suffer both directly and indirectly from this mental illness. For every schizophrenic person out there, there is a father and a mother. It is quite likely that this same person also may have a sibling or two. Grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins, not to mention friends, are also to be considered when calculating the impact of this disease.
William Gregg holds a personal belief that by telling the truth, although perhaps in a creative way and fictional manner, many of these people can be helped to understand schizophrenia on a deeper level. The better the understanding of it, the better the ability of all involved to cope and manage life with this disease.
William Gregg has a mental illness, like many other people in this nation and this world. By writing about it, he hopes that his creativity can be a remedy to those who suffer from it. He hopes that people who know people that are schizophrenic will open up the lines of communication and delve deeper into the meaning of their relationships with each other. He hopes that people will gain greater awareness of themselves and others and, thereby, move toward a better perspective and an increased acceptance of those who suffer from schizophrenia.
William Gregg is also the author of Yellow Buses From Costa Rica.