Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. The first Newcastle Directory was compiled and published early in the year 1778 by William Whitehead, musical instrument maker and turner, whose residence and place of business were near the middle of High Bridge. Of Whitehead the following brief account is given in Sykes’s Local Records:<br>&...
Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. The first Newcastle Directory was compiled and published early in the year 1778 by William Whitehead, musical instrument maker and turner, whose residence and place of business were near the middle of High Bridge. Of Whitehead the following brief account is given in Sykes’s Local Records:<br><br>[1792.] December 24. Died, in the High Bridge, Newcastle, Mr. William Whitehead, musical instrument maker and turner. In 1775, Mr. Whitehead invented a swell for the pianoforte, which was much approved of by the musical people in Newcastle He also, in conjunction with Mr. Jameson, engraver, published An Explanation of the Incorporated Companies of Newcastle, 1776. Mr. Whitehead also published The Historian’s Pocket Companion, 1777, and a New-castle Directory, which last was continued for several years. The whole of these are now very scarce. Mr. Whitehead was a very ingenious and eccentric man. He left two maiden sisters (both since dead) who were of some celebrity for a peculiar method of dyeing and cleaning silk.<br><br>Whitehead was the compiler of four Directories of Newcastle.