For years William Whittaker toyed with the idea of becoming more self-sufficient when it comes to providing food for his family. As he lives close to an Amish community he had the opportunity to see how they lived and how they worked and lived off the land by growing their own livestock and crops and using a barter system to get items they did not produce on their own. He sat and though about it and tried to figure out how he could incorporate some of their practices into he and his family”s lifestyle. Along with his wife he decided to start with a small backyard garden, growing a few essential vegetables like tomatoes, cabbage, lettuce and some herbs. As they became more experienced the things that were planted increased until he is now in a position to share his bounty with his neighbors and extended family members. He then though that he could share some of what he learned with others to at least get them started. This is how the book came about. Simple advice laid out in an easy to follow way that enables anyone who can follow a few simple directions on their way to having chemical free vegetables for their home.
3 Ebooks de William Whittaker
William Whittaker: Homesteading Ideas for Growing What You Eat In Your Garden
No BS Guide on Homesteading and Self Sufficiency Do you enjoy dining on garden-fresh vegetables? Do you like to save money? Why not combine the two by homesteading so you can eat healthy veggies pluc …
Geoffrey Whittaker & William Whittaker: Somewhere in France
Somewhere in France represents a virtually unique archive of the First World War and the conditions under which ordinary soldiers lived. Through his father’s first-hand account, Geoffrey Whittaker ex …
Publicações Pão Diário: Dia a dia com os puritanos ingleses
Coisas maravilhosas!’ Foi o que disse, extasiado, o egiptólogo Howard Carter, quando seus colegas lhe perguntaram o que a luz da chama que ele apontava ao redor da recém-descoberta tumba do rei Tutan …