Despite its importance, the role of Hd S is most often underestimated and the topic is not well represented in literature and education. To address this, Hardware-dependent Software brings together experts from different Hd S areas. By providing a comprehensive overview of general Hd S principles, tools, and applications, this book provides adequate insight into the current technology and upcoming developments in the domain of Hd S. The reader will find an interesting text book with self-contained introductions to the principles of Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS), the emerging BIOS successor UEFI, and the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL). Other chapters cover industrial applications, verification, and tool environments. Tool introductions cover the application of tools in the ASIP software tool chain (i.e. Tensilica) and the generation of drivers and OS components from C-based languages. Applications focus on telecommunication and automotive systems.
Hardware-dependent Software.- Basic Concepts of Real Time Operating Systems.- UEFI: From Reset Vector to Operating System.- Hardware Abstraction Layer.- HW/SW Interface.- Firmware Development for Evolving Digital Communication Technologies.- Generation and Use of an ASIP Software Tool Chain.- High-Level Development, Modeling and Automatic Generation of Hardware-Dependent Software.- Accurate RTOS Modeling and Analysis with System C.- Verification of AUTOSAR Software by System C-Based Virtual Prototyping.