Autor: Yuntian Theodore Zhu

Michael Zehetbauer is Professor for Materials Physics at the University of Vienna, where he heads the section on „Nanocrystalline Materials”. His research focuses on severe plastic deformation of metals and the characterization of ultrafine grained and/or nanocrystalline structures by X-ray and synchrotron radiation. He was organizer of the Second International Conference on Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation, held in Vienna in 2003. Yuntian T. Zhu is Professor in the Materials Science and Technology Division at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. His work concentrates on processing and characterization of bulk nanostructured materials and he is also active in research related to carbon nanotubes. Yuntian Zhu was co-organizer of four symposia on ultrafine grained materials.

3 Ebooks de Yuntian Theodore Zhu

Terence G. Langdon & S. Lee Semiatin: Ultrafine Grained Materials II
Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Shaping and Forming Committee of the Materials Processing and Manufacturing Division (MPMD) and the Mechanical Behavior Committee (Jt. SMD/ASM-MSCTS) of th …
Terence G. Langdon & S. Lee Semiatin: Ultrafine Grained Materials II
Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Shaping and Forming Committee of the Materials Processing and Manufacturing Division (MPMD) and the Mechanical Behavior Committee (Jt. SMD/ASM-MSCTS) of th …
Michael J. Zehetbauer & Yuntian Theodore Zhu: Bulk Nanostructured Materials
The processing and mechanical behaviour of bulk nanostructured materials are one of the most interesting new fields of research on advanced materials systems. Many nanocrystalline materials possess v …