Born 1945. Professor of demography (classe exceptionnelle) Université Paris Descartes Training : MA Sociology and MA Economics ( Sorbonne), Diploma Sciences Po (Paris) D.Phil. Oxford, Doctorat es-Lettres (Paris). Chair of the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences. Member of the Strategic comittee at the University level. Director of the Centre Population et Développement (CEPED, Université Paris Descartes, l’INED et l’IRD). 44 full-time teaching and research staff Published 17 books, 62 peer reviewed articles, etc. on international migrations, population theories and doctrines, family and fertility) Founding member of the the Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales. Chief editor of the series Populations (L”Harmattan). Chief editor of Demographic Transformation and Socio-Economic Change (Springer) Worked as a consultant for UNFPA UNDP, UNICEF, USAID, World Bank, Coopération française, UNESCO. Field experience in several African, Carribean and South-East Asian countries.
11 Ebooks de Yves Charbit
Yves Charbit: Economic, Social and Demographic Thought in the XIXth Century
According to current understanding, Malthus was hostile to an excess of population because it caused social sufferings, while Marx was favourable to demographic growth in so far as a large proletaria …
Yves Charbit: The Classical Foundations of Population Thought
Whereas the history of demography as a social science has been amply explored, that of the construction of the concept of population has been neglected. Specialists systematically ignore a noteworthy …
Yves Charbit & Philip Kreager: Anthropological Demography of Health
The anthropological demography of health, as a field of interdisciplinary population research, has grown from the 1990s, extending to a remarkable range of key human and policy issues, including: gen …
Yves Charbit & Philip Kreager: Anthropological Demography of Health
The anthropological demography of health, as a field of interdisciplinary population research, has grown from the 1990s, extending to a remarkable range of key human and policy issues, including: gen …
Yves Charbit: Demographic Dynamics and Development
One of the major challenges facing the world today is the interaction between demographic change and development. Demographic Dynamics and Development reviews the dominant demographic theory, demogra …
Yves Charbit: Dynamiques demographiques et developpement
Un des enjeux majeurs de la planete est l’interaction entre les evolutions demographiques et le developpement. Apres avoir fait un rappel de la theorie demographique dominante, dite, transition demog …
Yves Charbit: Population et questions de developpement
Un des enjeux majeurs de la planete est l’interaction entre les evolutions demographiques et le developpement, mais la population est-elle le probleme majeur ou un facteur parmi d’autres et en partic …
Yves Charbit: Demographic Dynamics and Development
One of the major challenges facing the world today is the interaction between demographic change and development. Demographic Dynamics and Development reviews the dominant demographic theory, demogra …
Yves Charbit: Population and Development Issues
One of the major challenges facing the world today is the interaction between demographic changes and development. Rather than the usual view that the population itself is the main problem, Populatio …
Yves Charbit: Population and Development Issues
One of the major challenges facing the world today is the interaction between demographic changes and development. Rather than the usual view that the population itself is the main problem, Populatio …
Yves Charbit & Mustapha Omrane: Gender Inequalities and Vulnerability of sub-Saharan Adolescents
This book analyses the vulnerability of adolescent girls, which results from cumulative inequalities: gender, lack of education, residential, and poverty. It is based on original analyses of data fro …