Preface.- Part I Introduction.- 1. Sustainable potato production and global food security.- Part II Enhancing Potato System Sustainability in the Northeast USA.- 2. Im...
Preface.- Part I Introduction.- 1. Sustainable potato production and global food security.- Part II Enhancing Potato System Sustainability in the Northeast USA.- 2. Impacts of crop rotation and irrigation on soil-borne diseases and soil microbial communities.- 3. Early and late blight potential on Russet Burbank potato as affected by microclimate, cropping systems and irrigation management in North eastern United States.- 4. Comparison of soil phosphorus status and organic matter composition in potato fields with different crop rotation systems.- 5. Comparing modelled productivity to historical data in New England potato production systems.- Part III Linking Irrigated Potato Cropping Systems to Sustainable Agriculture in the West USA.- 6. Potato tuber yield, tuber size distribution, and quality as impacted by preceding cover crops.-7. Mustard green manure use in eastern Washington State.- 8. Yields of potato crops and potential rotation crops impacted by humates application.- 9. Late blight epidemics in the Columbia Basin.- Part IV Improved Nitrogen Management in Rainfed Potato Production in Eastern Canada.- 10. Nitrogen fertilization strategies in relation to potato tuber yield, quality, and crop N recovery.- 11. Soil and plant tests to optimize fertilizer N management of potatoes.- 12. Nitrogen management in organic potato production.- 13. Nitrate leaching from potato production in Eastern Canada.- 14. Nitrous oxide emissions from potato production and their management.- Part V Sustaining Potato Production in the Cool-Temperate Climate of Tasmania, Australia.- 15. Potato production in Tasmania, Australia – an overview of climate, soils and practices.- 16. Sustainable soil management for potatoes.- 17. Potato nutrient management in Tasmania, Australia.- 18. Managing and monitoring viral and soil-borne pathogens in Tasmanian potato crops.- 19. In vitro cell selection techniques for enhancing disease resistance –case study: Common scab disease resistance in Russet Burbank.- Part VI Water-Saving Managements of Potato Production in the Semi-Arid Areas of Northern China.- 20. Potato evapotranspiration and productivity as affected by drip irrigation frequency and soil matric potential.- 21. Effects of plastic mulch on potato growth.- 22. Drought and salinity tolerance in transgenic potato.- Part VII Increasing Sustainability of Potato Production Systems in Brazil and Peru.- 23. Statistical models in plant diagnosis and calculating recommended nitrogen rates.- 24. Effect of soil compaction alleviation on quality and yield of potato.- 25. Developing integrated pest management for potato: Experiences and lessons from two distinct potato production systems of Peru.- Part VIII Improvement of Potato Production Systems by Organic Amendments: Italian and Egyptian Reports.- 26. Soil fertility management in organic potato: the role of green manure and amendments application.- 27. Effect of humic substances application on potato tubers yield quantity, quality, nutrients concentration under Egyptian soil conditions.- 28. Evaluation of residual pesticides and heavy metals levels in conventionally and organically farmed potato tubers in Egypt.- Part IX Improving Potato Yields in the Tropical Highlands of Africa.- 29. Optimization of late blight and bacterial wilt management in potato production systems in the highland tropics of Africa.- Index.