A visual guide to innovative techniques with Photoshop Elements9Photographers who are familiar with the basics of using Photoshop Elements 9 will love this collection of 100 tips andtricks to getting more from the software. Highly visual two-pagetutorials and step-by-step screen shots make it easy to see andfollow the directions, enabling you to coax even more functionalityfrom this top-selling image-editing software. This guide venturesinto the bells and whistles of Photoshop Elements, showing you allthe cool effects you can achieve.* Photoshop Elements is the leading and most affordableimage-editing software on the market; the latest version offers newopportunities to enhance your photos and develop your ownindividual style* Full-color, step-by-step instructions make learning each of thecool techniques faster and easier* Features secrets from the author, a well-known professionalphotographer, and uses his own stunning images to illustrate thetips and techniques Photoshop Elements 9: Top 100 Simplified Tips &Tricks helps you take your Photoshop Elements skills to thenext level.
About the author
Rob Sheppard is the author/photographer of over 30 photography books, a well-known speaker and workshop leader, and is editor-atlarge for the prestigious Outdoor Photographer magazine. As author/photographer, Sheppard has written hundreds of articles about digital photography, plus books ranging from guides to photography such as Digital Photography: Top 100 Simplified Tips & Tricks and Digital Photography Simplified to books about Photoshop Elements and Lightroom including Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 for Digital Photographers Only and Photoshop Elements 8: Top 100 Simplified Tips & Tricks. His Web site is at www.robsheppardphoto.com and his blog is at www.photodigitary.com.