Fanatikal follows comic book artist Miles Redding, a superstar in the industry, and his devoted wife Luna Longoria, a nanny in New York City. After a career slowdown, Miles lands a mysterious new opportunity with a rising comic company led by Frank Riley, who harbors dark secrets. As Miles becomes entangled with ambitious Goths pushing a violent, vampiric comic series, Luna senses danger and warns him. But the stakes rise as a manipulative fanboy and former ally, Neal Mosher, escalates the tension.
When Miles refuses to validate Neal’s work, events spiral out of control. Betrayed by trusted colleagues and haunted by relentless threats, Miles finds himself in a deadly situation that puts him and his family in jeopardy. As sinister forces close in, Luna must escape their grasp. Will she survive, or will the dangerous world of obsession and revenge claim her too?