Church leaders want to know that their leadership strategies are informed by Christian teaching and made credible by the authority of Scripture. In addition, pastors have an unquenchable thirst for new and unique approaches to leadership. These needs and many more are met as Robert Dale takes the reader through four primary leadership strategies in the New Testament.
Focus is a strategy that one learns through study of Jesus’ mission and leadership influence.
Flexibility is the strategy learned as the Church expands through the Acts of Apostles.
Future-Orientation is the strategy emphasized through the pastoral Epistles.
Feasibility is the Strategy developed in the Book of Revelation, when the churches are in crisis or in survival mode.
Each strategy is illustrated with practical application for the life of congregations so that leaders can sharpen leadership skills with integrity and authority.
About the author
Robert D. Dale is professor of pastoral leadership and church ministries, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, North Carolina. Dr. Dale has had a wide range of experience as a Baptist minister , consultant and supervisor in the Church Administration Department of the Baptist Sunday School Board, and seminary professor. He was educated at Southwest Baptist College (A.A.), Oklahoma Baptist University (B.A.), and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (B.D.; Ph.D.). This is Dr. Dale’s fourth book.