Robert Frost’s first four published books of verse, gathered in their entirety in this volume, established his reputation as a preeminent American poet. His debut collection, A Boy’s Will (1913), introduced his affinity for New England themes and his unique blend of traditional meters with colloquial language. This was followed by North of Boston (1914), where he further honed and developed his style and presented vivid dramatic monologues and narratives. This collection features the famous ‘Mending Wall, ‘ showcasing Frost’s ability to infuse rural scenes with deeper philosophical meanings. His third book, Mountain Interval (1916), contains the iconic ‘The Road Not Taken, ‘ which has become one of Frost’s most widely recognized poems. Frost’s fourth book, New Hampshire (1923), earned him his first Pulitzer Prize and includes the beloved ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.’ It secured Frost’s position as one of America’s most popular and acclaimed writers, accessible and engaging, subtle and sophisticated.
This Warbler Classics authoritative edition is based on Frost’s final editing of the works and includes an introduction by William E. Cain, an essay on poetry in Frost’s own words, a detailed biographical timeline, suggestions for further reading, and indexes of poem titles and first lines.
Table of Content
Introduction xii
Note on the Text xxxvii
The Pasture 1
A Boy’s Will
Into My Own 5
Ghost House 6
My November Guest 7
Love and a Question 8
A Late Walk 9
Stars 10
Storm Fear 11
Wind and Window Flower 12
To the Thawing Wind 13
A Prayer in Spring 14
Flower-Gathering 15
Rose Pogonias 16
Waiting 17
In a Vale 18
A Dream Pang 19
In Neglect 20
The Vantage Point 21
Mowing 22
Going for Water 23
Revelation 24
The Trial by Existence 25
The Tuft of Flowers 28
Pan with Us 30
The Demiurge’s Laugh 31
Now Close the Windows 32
In Hardwood Groves 33
A Line-Storm Song 34
October 35
My Butterfly 36
Reluctance 38
North of Boston
Mending Wall 41
The Death of the Hired Man 43
The Mountain 49
A Hundred Collars 53
Home Burial 60
The Black Cottage 64
Blueberries 68
A Servant to Servants7 2
After Apple-Picking 77
The Code 79
The Generations of Men 83
The Housekeeper 91
The Fear 99
The Self-Seeker 103
The Wood-Pile 111
Good Hours 113
Mountain Interval
The Road Not Taken 117
Christmas Trees 118
An Old Man’s Winter Night 120
The Exposed Nest 121
A Patch of Old Snow 122
In the Home Stretch 123
The Telephone 130
Meeting and Passing 131
Hyla Brook 132
The Oven Bird 133
Bond and Free 134
Birches 135
Pea Brush137
Putting in the Seed 138
A Time to Talk 139
The Cow in Apple Time 140
An Encounter 141
Range-Finding 142
The Hill Wife 143
The Bonfire 146
A Girl’s Garden 150
Locked Out 152
The Last Word of a Bluebird 153
‘Out, Out-‘ 154
Brown’s Descent 155
The Gum-Gatherer 158
The Line-Gang 160
The Vanishing Red 161
Snow 162
The Sound of Trees 175
New Hampshire
New Hampshire 179
A Star in a Stone-Boat 191
The Census-Taker 193
The Star-Splitter 195
Maple 198
The Ax-Helve 203
The Grindstone 206
Paul’s Wife 209
Wild Grapes 214
Place for a Third 217
Two Witches 220
An Empty Threat 228
A Fountain, a Bottle, a Donkey’s Ears, and Some Books 230
I Will Sing You One-O 235
Fragmentary Blue 238
Fire and Ice 239
In a Disused Graveyard 240
Dust of Snow 241
To E. T. 242
Nothing Gold Can Stay 243
The Runaway 244
The Aim Was Song 245
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 246
For Once, Then, Something 247
Blue-Butterfly Day 248
The Onset 249
To Earthward 250
Good-by and Keep Cold 252
Two Look at Two 253
Not to Keep 255
A Brook in the City 256
The Kitchen Chimney 257
Looking for a Sunset Bird in Winter 258
A Boundless Moment 259
Evening in a Sugar Orchard 260
Gathering Leaves 261
The Valley’s Singing Day 262
Misgiving 263
A Hillside Thaw 264
Plowmen 265
On a Tree Fallen Across the Road 266
Our Singing Strength 267
The Lockless Door 269
The Need of Being Versed in Country Things 270
Annotations 271
Additional Poems 296
Asking for Roses 297
In Equal Sacrifice 298
Spoils of the Dead 300
Robert Frost on Poetry 302
Biographical Timeline 305
Further Reading 316
About the author
William E. Cain is the Mary Jewett Gaiser Professor of English at Wellesley College. He is the editor of American Literature, a two-volume anthology of American literature; the author of American Literary Criticism, 1900-1945; and a co-editor of The Norton Anthology of Criticism and Theory.