Since the earliest people lived as nomads, their buildings were portable, constructed in a way that allowed them to be rebuilt as they moved to new locations for better living conditions as the seasons changed. This book discusses the forerunners, present context, and technology of portable architecture. It documents numerous international examples, organized by areas of application, and offers a broad array of suggestions for practical design. In the Arts and Culture section, Shigeru Ban’s Nomadic Museum, made of shipping containers in the USA and Japan is examined, as is Mark Fisher’s event architecture for concert tours by the Rolling Stones and U2. Suggestions for flexible living include Richard Horden’s micro compact home and the Container Home Kit from LOT/EK. The design of mobile structures used in extreme situations, such as the Antarctic or in the aftermath of natural catastrophes, is explored. Exhibition and entertainment facilities are other typical areas of application for light, mobile structures. Demountable, temporary structures allow for exciting architectural experimentation which can then be prototyped for regular use.
Table of Content
Exhibition and Commerce
Renzo Piano Building Workshop: IBM Traveling Pavilion
James Law Cybertecture: Pacific Century Cyberworks Connect Kiosk Shops
LOT-EK: DIM Mobile Retail Unit
LOT-EK: Uniqlo Pop-Up Store
Shigeru Ban: Japan Pavilion
Shigeru Ban: Nomadic Museum
FTL Design Engineering Studio: Dyson Mobile Exhibition Pavilion
Tectoniks Ltd.: Spirit of Dubai Building
Inflate: Big M
Inflate: Unipart Structure
Inflate: Smirnoff Cube
Festo: Airtecture Air Hall
Festo: Airquarium
Rudi Enos, Valhalla
Toutenkamion, Screen Machine 2
AMP Arquitectos/Wilk Salinas, Bathing Ship
FTL Design Engineering Studio: Harley Davidson Machine Tent
Mark Fisher: U2 Vertigo Tour Stage Set
Mark Fisher: The Rolling Stones Bigger Bang Tour Stage Set
Mark Fisher: Superbowl Half-Time Shows
Shelter and Residential
Office of Mobile Design: Portable House
Richard Horden: micro-compact home
Paul Burchill and Hervé Delaby: Caravan of the Future
LOT-EK: Mobile Dwelling Unit
Arts and Education
Gruber + Popp Architekten: Mobile Museums
Gollifer Langston Architects: Classroom of the Future
Theo Jansen: Animarus Rhinocerus Transport
Tadao Ando Architect and Associates, Karaza Theatre
Military and Expedition
Faber Maunsell: Halley VI
Weatherhaven: BHP Geological Survey Camp
Selected Bibliography
Illustration Credits
About the author
Robert Kronenburg is an architect and a professor at the University of Liverpool, whose School of Architecture he heads.