The ‘prosperity gospel’ has spread across the globe and infiltrates homes daily, even through primetime television. Among the core claims of these teachers is that God wants his people to be healthy and wealthy, and if a person is not rich and well, it is because that person lacks faith. This distortion of the Bible’s teaching needs to be answered faithfully and winsomely, and the chapters of this volume work toward that end. Writing from perspectives such as missiology, biblical studies, economics, and pastoral theology, the contributors tackle crucial issues from Scripture and ministry to lay out a realistic and theologically sound view of health, wealth, and spiritual vitality.
Table of Content
1. An Evaluation of the Historical Apologetic against ‘Word-Faith Theology’
Benjamin T. Cornish
2. Wealth and Poverty in Proverbs and Ecclesiastes
James M. Hamilton Jr.
3. ‘Provided We Suffer with Him’: A Pauline Theology of Suffering and the Prosperity Gospel
Michael E. Pohlman
4. The Unique Temptations of Wealth and Poverty Over Time
David S. Kotter
5. Wealth, Poverty, and the Heavenly City in John’s Apocalypse
Michael P. Naylor
6. How Shall We Sing the Prosperity Gospel’s Song in an Evangelical Church?
Matthew D. Westerholm
7. Possessions, Greed and the Christian Community: Interrogating the Prosperity Gospel in Africa in Light of Hebrews 13:1-6
Abeneazer G. Urga
8. Conceptions of the Good Life in the Apostolic Era
Todd A. Scacewater
9. ‘To Prosper’ or צלח in Genesis 39
Philip Suciadi Chia
About the author
Robert L. Plummer, Ph.D., is the Collin and Evelyn Aikman Professor of Biblical Studies at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY. Dr. Plummer is host of the popular Daily Dose of Greek screencast and author, editor, or co-author of several books, including 40 Questions About Interpreting the Bible (Kregel, 2010, 2021), Beginning with New Testament Greek (B&H Academic, 2020) and Going Deeper with New Testament Greek (B&H Academic, 2020).