Author: Robert Schiller

Robert  Schiller (1935), born in Budapest, Hungary, graduated from R. Eötvös University, Budapest, in 1958 and completed his Ph D in 1966 and DSc in 1974. He is a titular professor at R. Eötvös University and Dr. habil Privatdozent at Budapest Technical University. After completing his studies, Professor Schiller joined the Chemistry Department of the Central Research Institute for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, where he is now a Research Professor Emeritus. Having worked at several laboratories abroad, he e.g. spent a full year at the Paterson Laboratories, Manchester, UK. His main research interests are in radiation chemistry, electrochemistry and the theory of transport processes. Currently, he is investigating the effects of fast ions on metals. He has taught courses on radiation chemistry and statistical mechanics at R.  Eötvös University and has published several textbooks in these areas. Apart from his research papers, Professor Schiller has also written booksand a number of essays popularizing science. He was awarded the Wigner Prize by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2001 and was voted the popular science author for the year 2012, and asteroid no.196005 was named Robertschiller in his honour.

5 Ebooks by Robert Schiller

Robert Schiller: Between One Culture
This book argues that science and the arts are not two different cultures, but rather different manifestations of the same culture. Divided into seven parts, it presents a collection of translated an …
Robert Schiller: Heute Chef – morgen agil
Gemeinsam führen: Das Führungsmodell der Zukunft! – Zeigt, was gemeinsam bedeutet und wie das Konzept einer gemeinsamen Führung umgesetzt wird – Vermittelt das 1×1 einer zukunftsgerichteten Führungsa …
Robert Schiller: Heute Chef – morgen agil
Gemeinsam führen: Das Führungsmodell der Zukunft! – Zeigt, was gemeinsam bedeutet und wie das Konzept einer gemeinsamen Führung umgesetzt wird – Vermittelt das 1×1 einer zukunftsgerichteten Führungsa …
Robert Schiller: A Non-Traditional Guide to Physical Chemistry
This book introduces in a non-traditional way the laws of physical chemistry and its history starting in the 16th century. It reveals to the reader how physical chemists try to understand chemical pr …