We are about to experience a new spiritual dimension of glory that will unleash all the glorious treasures of heaven!
Position yourself now that you may participate in this next great move of God!
Webster defines a ‘paradigm shift’ as ‘an important change that happens when the usual way of thinking about or doing something is replaced by a new and different way.’ The church has experienced several such ‘shifts.’
Dynamic outpourings have always begun with prophetic promptings, which initiate the spiritual transformation from an established and acceptable reality to the establishment of a new, fresh, and dynamic spiritual way. We stand on the brink of another such extravagant outpouring of God’s Divine Presence.
This powerful new book will open the eyes of your heart to the coming lavish and global manifestation of glory!
About the author
ROBERT STONE has ministered extensively and effectively throughout North and South America, as well as the Caribbean and East Africa. His teaching seminars and books are well known throughout the earth. His vision is for the Body of Christ to become fully transformed to demonstrate the nature and ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. He lives in North Texas with his wife, Susan, and their three children.