The despair that befalls a family when one of its own is forever changed by illness or tragedy is an experience we can only hope to escape. A serious accident, stroke, terminal illness, or more can cause stress and sorrow that are often unbearable. But we dont get to choose from a menu of life lessons. We simply wake up one day to them sitting on our plate. The question then becomes: What do you do?
Daybreak jogs, PTA meetings, church choir rehearsals, laughter, and family timethese were the basic ingredients of Robert and Theresa Lees life together. Then, at age forty-three, Theresa was diagnosed with ALS. With raw honesty and grace, Robert chronicles the inspiring story of his late wifes twelve-year dance with the disease, his role as her caregiver, and the highs and lows ALS took their marriage through. A touching memoir filled with moments of lightheartedness, wisdom and simple humanity, readers will be uplifted by this brave couples tale of unconditional love and their ultimate message: You are not alone.
Life is a never-ending teacher of lessons. The question is, Are we paying attention? In 2002, my life, which all along had been filled with many of these blessings-lessonsor blessons as I called thempresented the greatest challenge my family and I would have to face yet.
Robert Lee, author
About the author
Robert Lee is a father, businessman, and living-with-gratitude practitioner. Against the advice of doctors and family members, he became his terminally ill wife’s primary caregiver. This memoir is the fulfillment of his promise to finish the work she had started.