Mengjie Jin obtained her Ph D in Zoology from Sun Yat-sen University in 2020. Prior to that, she was a visiting student at the Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO, from 2015 to 2020, working on phylogeny and taxonomy of Australian longhorn beetles (Prioninae and Cerambycinae).
3 Ebooks by Roger de Keyzer
George Hangay & Roger de Keyzer: A Guide to Stag Beetles of Australia
Most Australian stag beetles live secretive lives, spending the majority of their life cycle inside decaying timber or under logs sunken in the soil. Yet these active recyclers of the forest are admi …
George Hangay & Roger de Keyzer: Guide to Stag Beetles of Australia
Most Australian stag beetles live secretive lives, spending the majority of their life cycle inside decaying timber or under logs sunken in the soil. Yet these active recyclers of the forest are admi …
Adam Slipinski & Roger de Keyzer: Australian Longhorn Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Volume 3
Longhorn beetles — Cerambycidae — are one of the most easily recognised groups of beetles, a cosmopolitan family that encompasses more than 33, 000 species in 5, 200 genera worldwide. Out of the 117 …