In Common Grace Abraham Kuyper presents to the church a vision for cultural engagement rooted in the humanity Christians share with the rest of the world.Kuyper fills a gap in the development of Reformed teaching on divine grace, and he articulates a Reformed understanding of God's gifts that are common to all people after the fall into sin. This first volume contains Kuyper's demonstration of the biblical basis for common grace and how it works.This new translation of Common Grace, created in partnership with the Kuyper Translation Society and the Acton Institute, is part of a major series of new translations of Kuyper's most important writings. The Abraham Kuyper Collected Works in Public Theology marks a historic moment in Kuyper studies, aimed at deepening and enriching the church's development of public theology.
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Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920) was a leading Dutch figure in education, politics, and theology. He was a minister in the Dutch Reformed Church, was appointed to Parliament, and served as prime minister. Kuyper also founded the Free University (VU) in Amsterdam, a political party, and a denomination, in addition to writing on a dizzying array of subjects.Nelson D. Kloosterman (Th D, Theological University of the Reformed Churches [Liberated], Kampen, the Netherlands) is ethics consultant and executive director of Worldview Resources International, a service organization whose mission is to produce and provide resources designed to assist in understanding and applying a Christian worldview to responsible living in a global culture. He has served as minister and professor for more than thirty years and has translated dozens of works on Reformed theology and ethics.Nelson D. Kloosterman (Th D, Theological University of the Reformed Churches [Liberated], Kampen, the Netherlands) is ethics consultant and executive director of Worldview Resources International, a service organization whose mission is to produce and provide resources designed to assist in understanding and applying a Christian worldview to responsible living in a global culture. He has served as minister and professor for more than thirty years and has translated dozens of works on Reformed theology and ethics.Ed M. van der Maas (Th M, Dallas Theological Seminary) is an editor and translator. Among his translations are several volumes of the Korte Verklaring (Bible Student's Commentary) and Concise Reformed Dogmatics (Van Genderen and Velema). Ed has worked for several Dutch publishers and was also the associate editor for the New International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements. Until his retirement he was senior editor at Harper Collins Christian Publishers/Zondervan in Grand Rapids, Michigan. A native of the Netherlands, Ed lived in the United States for more than forty years before returning to his European base.