автор: Abraham Mandel

The author: J. A. Mandel was born 1947 in Legnica, Poland, where his parents settled after the war and persecution by the Nazi regime. In 1948, after a short stay in Israel, the young family came to Austria. At first accommodated in the displaced persons camp Asten near Linz, they later moved to Vienna, where J. A. Mandel still lives today.

2 Электронные книги Abraham Mandel

Abraham Mandel: Die Wahrheit hat immer Feinde
Schulim Mandel und Simon Wiesenthal überleben beide die Shoah. Nach der Befreiung treffen die zwei Protagonisten anfangs der 1950er-Jahre im DP-Lager Asten bei Linz aufeinander. Was als freundschaftl …
Abraham Mandel: Truth Always Has Its Enemies
Schulim Mandel and Simon Wiesenthal are both survivors of the Shoah. After the liberation, the two protagonists meet in the DP camp Asten near Linz in the early 1950s. What starts out as a friendly e …