‘The book is well-organized and comprehensive in covering the essential material. The inclusion of human factors material is a strength that is not covered in other books. . . . The book is a balanced survey which will be of value to graduate students or anyone wanting to enter the field and needing a broad overview.’
—Steven Yantis,
The Johns Hopkins University
‘My overall impression is that the authors have combined their expertise and experience in the classroom to provide a text that will clearly cover attention more completely and in a more coherent and less confusing manner than any other available text. . . . this is the best available text on the psychology of attention at the advanced undergraduate level.’
—Mark Faust,
University of South Alabama
‘This text represents a strong review of the empirical and theoretical developments in attention work.’
—Tom Busey,
Indiana University
‘A nice overview of the ′classic′ work on attention, with up-to-date consideration of the literature, usefully bringing together some more applied literatures in which attention is a central construct…The scholarship seems comprehensive and up-to-date, and the authors do a nice job of presenting research in a fair and neutral manner.’
—Richard Carlson,
Pennsylvania State University
‘The chapters present the material at a level appropriate for a first course on attention. The focus on providing a comprehensive treatment of the highlights of a variety of different topics related to attention is a strength.’
—Art Kramer,
University of Illinois
Attention is one of the fastest growing research areas in cognitive psychology. In light of the growing importance of this topic, there are surprisingly few texts that provide a coherent overview of the field of attention. Authors Addie Johnson and Robert W. Proctor have written
Attention: Theory and Practice for students, researchers, and practitioners who wish to gain insight into this area in a comprehensible and consistent manner.
Attention: Theory and Practice provides a balance between a readable overview of attention and an emphasis on how theories and paradigms for the study of attention have developed. The book highlights the important issues and major findings while giving sufficient details of experimental studies, models, and theories so that results and conclusions are easy to follow and evaluate. Rather than brushing over tricky technical details, the authors explain them clearly, giving readers the benefit of understanding the motivation for and techniques of the experiments in order to allow readers to think through results, models, and theories for themselves.
Features and benefits of this text:
- Balanced. The book gives equal coverage to theory, experimental paradigms and results, neuropsychology, and applications.
- Adaptable. ‘Technical Boxes’ isolate technical procedures and difficult models, which can be omitted without interrupting the flow of the chapters, allowing instructors to adjust the material to the level of their course.
- Pedagogical. The book includes brief chapter previews, chapter summaries, highlighted key words, an end-of-book glossary, and an abundance of figures and tables that enhance student understanding.
Attention is an accessible text for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in psychology, as well as an important resource for researchers and practitioners interested in gaining an overview of the field of attention.
1. Historical Overview of Research on Attention — with Kim-Phuong L. Vu
The Philosophical Period
The Period from 1860 to 1909
The Period from 1910 to 1949
The Period from 1950 to 1974
The Period from 1975 to Present
Summary & Preview of the Book
2. Information Processing & the Study of Attention
The Information Processing Approach
Mental Resources
Behavioral Measures
Signal Detection Methods
Psychophysiological Measures
Brain Imaging Techniques
3. Selective Visual Attention
The Function of Selective Attention
The Locus of Selection
The Spotlight of Attention
Exogenous & Endogenous Orienting
Space-based versus Object-based Attention
Visual Search
Combining Object- and Space-based Selection in Theories of Visual Attention
4. Auditory & Crossmodal Attention
Auditory Selective Attention
Divided Auditory Attention
Alerting & Orienting Functions of Auditory
Attentional Set
Cross-modal Attention
5. Attention & Inhibition
Types of Inhibition
(Attempted) Inhibition of Irrelevant Information
Inhibition of Return
Visual Marking
Negative Priming
Inhibition of Thought & Action
Responding to a Signal to Stop
6. Multiple-Task Performance
Managing Attentional Resources
Setting Goals & Intentions
Control of Multi-step Tasks
Intentional Control & Multitasking
Attention & Skill
A Closer Look at Dual-task Performance
7. Memory & Attention — with Mark Nieuwenstein
Sensory Memory
Working Memory
The Role of Attention in Encoding & Retrieval
Memory Consolidation & Attention
The Bottleneck Model Revisited
Procedural Memory
Implicit Learning
Attention, Memory, & Skill
8. Attention & Displays — with Kim-Phuong L. Vu
Visual Displays
Organization of Displays
Auditory & Multisensory Displays
Supervisory Control
Complex Tasks & Display Arrangements
Sustained Attention & Vigilance
9. Mental Workload & Situation Awareness
Processing Resources
Processing Strategies
Measuring Mental Workload
Situation Awareness
Human Error
10. Individual Differences in Attention
Attentional Ability
Attention & Intelligence
Intra-individual Differences in Attention
Attention Across the Lifespan
Training & Attention
Attention, & Memory & Emotion
11. The Neural Basis of Attention — Robert Melara
Tools of the Cognitive Neuroscientist
Mismatch Negativity: The Automatic Detection of Change
Selective Attention
The Duality of Selection
The Sources of Selective Control
The Sites of Selective Control
Attentional Networks
12. Disorders of Attention — with Edward de Haan & Roy Kessels
Developmental Attention Disorders
Attention Deficits Due to Focal Lesions & Hemorrhage
Attention Deficits Following Diffuse Injury
Measuring Attention Deficits
Attention Deficits in Psychiatric Patients
Treatment of Attention Deficits
Об авторе
Robert Proctor is Professor of Psychology at Purdue University at West Lafayette. He received his Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Texas at Arlington in 1975. Dr. Proctor has been teaching and conducting research in the field of attention and human performance for nearly 30 years. He conducts research on basic and applied aspects of human performance, with an emphasis on stimulus-response compatibility effects and the relation between perception and action. Dr. Proctor is member of several journal editorial boards. He has co-authored four books and co-edited two. Attention: Theory and Practice is his second book with Dr. Addie Johnson; the first, Skill Acquisition and Human Performance, was published by Sage in 1995. Together, these two authors brought an integrated perspective and broad experience to bear in crafting this book. Dr. Proctor is a fellow of the American Psychological Association and the American Psychological Society and an honorary fellow of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.