Adrian West resigned as a chartered engineer and has been teaching in one form or another since 1982. He introduced computers into his work place in 1989 and taught the staff how to use them. For 13 years he has designed and produced websites for businesses and charities in his present location Colyton, Devon, UK. He served as a computer technician to about 100 locals. He stopped visiting and teaching people five years ago so that he could concentrate on his favourite occupation, designing websites. To avoid disappointing his former customers, he launched his free computer help website He also writes monthly computer help articles in two local magazines. Adrian is the author of Practical HTML5 Projects; Apress May 2012; ISBN-13: 978-1-4302-4275-8. Frustrated by over complicated My SQL manuals that assumed the reader would fill in the many gaps in the instructions, he researched, tested and developed a fully explained and simplified method to eliminate the difficulties he experienced; this book is the result.
4 Электронные книги Adrian W. West
Adrian W. West: Practical HTML5 Projects
Practical HTML5 Projects is a collection of valuable web techniques that any developer or designer can use. This book is all about saving time. Busy web developers should not have to plow through pag …
Adrian W. West: Practical PHP and MySQL Website Databases
Practical PHP and My SQL Website Databases is a project-oriented book that demystifies building interactive, database-driven websites. The focus is on getting you up and running as quickly as possibl …
Adrian W. West: Practical Web Design for Absolute Beginners
Learn the fundamentals of modern web design, rather than relying on CMS programs, such as Word Press or Joomla!. You will be introduced to the essentials of good design and how to optimize for search …
Adrian W. West & Steve Prettyman: Practical PHP 7, MySQL 8, and MariaDB Website Databases
Build interactive, database-driven websites with PHP 7, My SQL 8, and Maria DB. The focus of this book is on getting you up and running as quickly as possible with real-world applications. In the fi …