In the world of Hercule Poirot, a movie star’s visit to London turns into a quest to recover a fabulous diamond, an ordinary dinner conversation about rented flats and houses leads to the discovery of a murder, superstitious speculations over the death of an archaeologist in Egypt unravel a tale of ruthless greed, and an ordinary theft from a shop window in Bond Street entangles Poirot in an international jewel heist. With the amiable Hastings in tow, Poirot dazzles while solving an array of spellbinding riddles. In fourteen razor-sharp, engrossing episodes, Poirot apprehends the perpetrators of robberies, kidnappings, thievery, and fraud with inimitable panache and style. This Warbler Classics edition contains three stories that were added to the 1925 U.S. edition of the book, along with a detailed biography.
One. The Adventure of ‘The Western Star’
Two. The Tragedy at Marsdon Manor
Three. The Adventure of the Cheap Flat
Four. The Mystery of Hunter’s Lodge
Five. The Million Dollar Bond Robbery
Six. The Adventure of the Egyptian Tomb
Seven. The Jewel Robbery at the Grand Metropolitan
Eight. The Kidnapped Prime Minister
Nine. The Disappearance of Mr. Davenheim
Ten. The Adventure of the Italian Nobleman
Eleven. The Case of the Missing Will
Twelve. The Veiled Lady
Thirteen. The Lost Mine
Fourteen. The Chocolate Box
About Agatha Christie