Dr. Guizani is currently a Full Professor and the Chair of the Computer Science Department at Western Michigan University.
Mr. Qadan is the General Manager of Equinox International. He worked and served as a Senior Technical Director for OPNET Technologies (leading modelling and simulation vendor) between 2002 and 2005.
3 Электронные книги Ala Al-Fuqaha
Mohsen Guizani & Ammar Rayes: Network Modeling and Simulation
Network Modeling and Simulation is a practical guide to using modeling and simulation to solve real-life problems. The authors give a comprehensive exposition of the core concepts in modeling and sim …
Driss Benhaddou & Ala Al-Fuqaha: Wireless Sensor and Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Wireless sensor Networks: Vehicle and Space Applications describes the practical perspectives in using wireless sensor networks (WSN) to develop real world applications that can be used for space exp …
Mohamed Lahby & Ala Al-Fuqaha: Computational Intelligence Techniques for Green Smart Cities
This book contains high-quality and original research on computational intelligence for green smart cities research. In recent years, the use of smart city technology has rapidly increased through th …