Asteroid mining promises untold riches for those willing to take the risks… but in the race to gain first-mover advantage, the price of failure can be severe.
The crew of the first commercial space mission to retrieve an asteroid for mining purposes has been killed in a catastrophic accident. Washed up ex-astronaut Charles ‘Chuck’ Sorrel is hired to look into the affairs of Abundance, the company behind the mission. He asks a few questions, makes a few conclusions, and writes some recommendations… but never gets a chance to collect.
Sorrel’s easy-money gig turns sour when rival Chinese asteroid mining company Yangshen is implicated. The discovery triggers an international incident and thrusts an unwilling Sorrel into a trip across the Pacific, dinner with Yangshen’s CEO, confrontations with the Mission Commander’s widow Jen, and pressure to ‘hurry up and get to the bottom of things’. Trapped in a high-level cover up, Sorrel must navigate a web of lies and deceit to uncover the truth — and make peace with his past in order to save the future.
Abundance is a cross-genre sci-fi thriller that spans the world and the heavens above… offering a glimpse into the messy near-future world of commercial space exploration and militarization, emergent AGI and geopolitical intrigue — where the ground truth is all-too-human and wholly unpredictable.
Prologue PER ASPERA9
1. Carol — An Entire Lifetime3
2. De Waal — Shefa15
3. Sorrel — The Gig22
4. Jen — Brain Child34
5. Sorrel — Abundance41
6. Sorrel — The Tour48
7. Sorrel — R&D54
8. Jen — Homestead65
9. Sorrel — Timeline72
10. Jen — Prep78
11. Sorrel — Interviews80
12. Jen — Mountain Mover86
13. Sorrel — The Astronaut’s Wife90
14. Sorrel — Hard Space94
15. Jen — Lockout101
16. Sorrel — A Day’s Work106
17. Fragment Four111
18. Sorrel — World’s End115
19. Jen — Sunbeam123
20. Sorrel — Conspiracy Theory127
21. Sorrel — Deja Vu130
22. Sorrel — Rocketjet136
23. Jen — Insertion139
24. BC — Ghost In The Machine142
25. Sorrel — In The System149
26. Sorrel — Yangshen159
28. Sorrel — Planning and Control170
29. Sorrel — Invite176
30. Jen — Starlink180
31. Sorrel — Dead Man’s Fob183
32. Sorrel — Dinner186
33. Huang — Destiny196
34. BC — The Network200
35. Sorrel — Post Dinner204
36. Sorrel — Neutral Buoyancy207
37. Huang — Final Approach215
38. Huang — Science Experiment217
39. Huang — Crash Landing219
40. Huang — The Sweeping of the Tombs223
41. Sorrel — Awakening225
42. Huang — Suiting Up229
43. Huang — The Brute232
44. BC — The Prodigal Son235
45. Huang — Monorail237
46. BC — Repository239
47. Huang — Earth Engine242
48. Infil247
49. Sorrel — The Voice249
50. Huang — Final Prep252
51. Huang — Adjustment Burn255
52. BC — Human Condition257
53. Jen — Canaries258
54. Sorrel — Hogtied260
55. BC — Scenario T484.05.2263
56. Sorrel — Transport265
57. Jen — Fugitive267
58. Sorrel — Electric Chair269
59. Sorrel — Outbound272
60. Sorrel — Storm Front276
61. Sorrel — LA-X283
62. Huang — Refueling286
63. Huang — Mirage288
64. Huang — Ghosts291
64. Sorrel — Family294
65. Jen — Avila’s298
66. Sorrel — The Hit302
67. Huang — Hothead305
68. Sorrel — Asteroid Fever306
69. Huang — Standoff312
70. Jen — Newport317
71. Sorrel — The Feint319
72. Carol — Postcards From Beyond322
73. Jen — The Scrape324
74. Sorrel — Gumshoeing327
75. Jen — Constellation331
76. Sorrel — Tangled Threads332
Part V MOKSHA337
77. Sorrel — Second Wind339
78. Jen — The Senator346
79. Sorrel — Big Stick349
80. Jen — All Downhill From Here355
81. Sorrel — Moksha357
82. Sorrel — Make A Hole364
83. Sorrel/Jen — Overland369
84. Sorrel — Out Of Africa374
85. Mc Clusky — The Shitshow379
86. Huang — Goodbyes382
87. Zhang — Magnanimity386
88. Jen — Carol389
89. Sorrel — The Future392
About the Author401