The Book. It has gone through many editions. Conceived in Africa, nurtured for many years in America, it has been safely delivered by Author House UK. It tells of the authors’ many journies, one of which took him to Africa, where he married Pauline. In Rhodesia, he found some important clues which revealed parts of the foetal circulation. Back in England, by examining stillborn lambs, he was able to understand the foetal circulation completely.
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He wanted to be a doctor when he was 6. His parents put him through medical school. After qualifying, he went on many journeys, the last one taking him to Africa. He worked for many years in the rural areas, and developed a love of the country and an affection for the people who lived there. His daily life was major surgery, Caesarean sections, ruptured uteruses and ruptured ectopic pregnancies. We had no blood, no x-rays, no mobile phones and no HIV. He became senior in the medical service, in charge of Lilongwe hospital, then medical superintendent of Zomba hospital.