автор: Alastair N. Cormack

Jincheng Du, Ph D, is Professor of materials science and engineering at the University of North Texas. He is Chair of the TC27 Technical Committee on Atomistic Simulation with the International Commission of Glass and is the Editor of the Journal of the American Ceramic Society. Alastair N. Cormack, Ph D, Professor at the New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University. He is a leading authority in the field of computer modeling of materials, focusing on the atomic-scale physics and chemistry of ceramics and glass.

2 Электронные книги Alastair N. Cormack

Jincheng Du & Alastair N. Cormack: Atomistic Simulations of Glasses
A complete reference to computer simulations of inorganic glass materials In Atomistic Simulations of Glasses: Fundamentals and Applications, a team of distinguished researchers and active practition …
Jincheng Du & Alastair N. Cormack: Atomistic Simulations of Glasses
A complete reference to computer simulations of inorganic glass materials In Atomistic Simulations of Glasses: Fundamentals and Applications, a team of distinguished researchers and active practition …