автор: Alberto Aziani

Alberto Aziani is a research fellow at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan and senior researcher at Transcrime.  He holds an MSc in Economics and Social Sciences and a Ph D in Criminology.  His research interests are transnational and organized crime.  He has conducted studies on these topics and collaborated with the UNODC and the EC on research projects examining drug trafficking and money laundering in relation to illicit markets.

2 Электронные книги Alberto Aziani

Alberto Aziani: Illicit Financial Flows
Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs) have received increased attention in light of international corruption scandals, high-profile leaks about extensive tax abuse schemes, and the continued fight against t …
Ernesto U. Savona & Rob T. Guerette: The Evolution of Illicit Flows
This book focuses on the displacement and convergence of transnational crimes in North Africa and in the area of the Mediterranean Sea, providing empirical analysis of human smuggling and of drug tra …