автор: Alberto Minujin

Born in Argentina, Alberto Minujin is professor at The New School University, New York, researching and teaching about child poverty reduction and equity, human rights, monitoring and evaluation, and social research methods. He is director of the Equity for Children Program and Website. A UNICEF Senior Officer from 1990-2005 with expertise in North and South America, Africa, Europe and the Middle East, Minujin is a mathematician with training in Applied Statistics and Demography. Shailen Nandy is Research Associate in the School for Policy Studies at the University of Bristol, UK. A co-author of Child poverty in the developing world (with David Gordon, Christina Pantazis, Simon A. Pemberton and Peter Townsend; The Policy Press, 2003), he has undertaken research for UNICEF, the World Health Organization and the UK Department for International Development. He is currently working on the ESRC-funded research project Poverty and Social Exclusion in the UK (www.poverty.ac.uk).

5 Электронные книги Alberto Minujin

Alberto Minujin & Shailen Nandy: Global Child Poverty and Well-Being
Child poverty is a central and present part of global life, with hundreds of millions of children around the world enduring tremendous suffering and deprivation of their most basic needs. Despite its …
Maria Petmesidou & Enrique Delamonica: Child Poverty, Youth (Un)Employment, and Social Inclusion
Worldwide child and youth poverty and deprivation remain the biggest barrier to achieving a better life in adulthood. Progress in lifting children out of poverty in the last decades has been slow and …
Alberto Minujin & Mónica González Contró: Tackling Child Poverty in Latin America
This book highlights current debates about concepts, methods, and policies related to poverty in Latin America. It focuses on child and adolescent well-being and the issue of inclusive societies. Its …
Alberto Minujin & Shailen Nandy: Global Child Poverty and Well-Being
Child poverty is a central and present part of global life, with hundreds of millions of children around the world enduring tremendous suffering and deprivation of their most basic needs. Despite its …
Sudeshna Chatterjee: Leaving No Child and No Adolescent Behind
The future of our world over the next decade is being shaped by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that seek to uphold children’s wellbeing and, by their call to leave no one behind and to reac …