автор: Alex Ruck Ruck Keene

Alex Ruck Keene is a barrister, writer and educator, specialising in the Mental Capacity Act 2005. He has acted in cases involving the Mental Capacity Act 2005 at all levels up to and including the Supreme Court. He also writes extensively, has numerous academic affiliations and is the creator of the website www.mentalcapacitylawandpolicy.org.uk. He lives in London.

3 Электронные книги Alex Ruck Ruck Keene

Matthew Graham & Jakki Cowley: A Practical Guide to the Mental Capacity Act 2005
This book provides a theory-to-practice breakdown of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and what its implications are for health and social care workers. Informative and accessible, it provides a clear dep …
Camillia Kong & Alex Ruck Ruck Keene: Overcoming Challenges in the Mental Capacity Act 2005
This book provides mental capacity practitioners with accessible ethical guidance and applicable tools for applying the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005. It shows how clients’ relationships can impact …
Yo Dunn: Social Work with Autistic People
This book will help social workers and practitioners to find achievable solutions to support autistic people — including those with complex needs — to live fulfilling lives in their communities. Far …