Today’s advanced practice registered nursing and physician assistant programs have been allocating less time to the study of neurology, leaving new practitioners with an uncertain grasp of how to approach the neurological patient. Here is a “how to” manual for knowledgeably conducting the basic neurological examination and confidently applying exam findings to the interpretation of common neurological symptoms. It explains all facets of the standard neuro exam that is conducted in clinical and hospital settings and includes an abundance of photos, illustrations, and useful algorithms. The book examines how to use the exam results to determine a likely diagnosis or to identify an area of concern for further diagnostic tests. The text presents both basic and advanced concepts related to the exam to foster a deeper understanding of the meaning and physiology underlying an abnormal finding.
Step by step, the text describes how to conduct the exam and provides photos, illustrations, and diagrammatic representations of examination steps and concepts. Algorithms bring a logical problem-solving approach to clinical thinking, and reference tables provide information at a glance for the busy practitioner. The book will be beneficial both for new practitioners who seek mastery of neurology fundamentals and a solid understanding of exam findings, as well as for those who have mastered the fundamentals and wish to gain more sophisticated diagnostic skills in order to accurately analyze the meaning of each symptom in the broader context of neurological practice.
Key Features:
- Presents a clear, step-by-step description of how to conduct a neurological examination and apply findings in the clinical setting
- Addresses the needs of both new and seasoned practitioners
- Provides a wealth of illustrations and diagrams to reinforce concepts
- Uses algorithms to enhance a logical problem-solving approach
- Includes quick reference tables for the busy practitioner
Alexandra Armitage, MS, APRN, CNL, is a clinical practitioner who has worked and taught in various clinical and educational neurological and neurosurgical settings. She received her BS from the University of Natal, South Africa, and her MS and post-master’s APRN certificate from the University of New Hampshire. She is currently working as a provider at Neurosurgery of Southern New Hampshire in Nashua, New Hampshire. She has given numerous neurology and neurosurgical lectures to both nursing and nurse practitioner students and is keenly interested in advancing the neurological knowledge of all nurses. In addition, she is the book reviewer for the New Hampshire Nurse’s Association. She is a member of Sigma Theta Tau and the American Academy of Neurology.
1. History Taking
2. Mental Status Testing
3. Cranial Nerves I and II
4. Cranial Nerves III, IV, and VI
5. Cranial Nerves V, VII, and VIII
6. Cranial Nerves IX, X, XI, and XII
7. Testing Motor Strength
8. Testing Sensation
9. Testing Reflexes
10. Balance and Gait
11. Testing Coordination
12. Imaging and EMG Studies
13. Vertigo
14. Tremor
15. Low Back Pain
16. Peripheral Neuropathy
17. Weakness
18. Dementia
19. Diplopia
20. Gait Disturbance
21. Headache
Appendix: Useful Websites
‘Об авторе
Alexandra Armitage, MS, APRN, CNL, is a clinical nurse leader and board certified nurse practitioner who has worked and taught in numerous clinical and educational neurological and neurosurgical settings. She is currently working as a provider at the Plummer Movement Disorders Center, at Baylor Scott & White in Temple, Texas.