When you’ve placed that final period on the final page of your magnificent manuscript, the rush can be exhilarating. You’ve written your book! But at some point the questions kick in: What do I do with it? How do I get it published?
The publishing industry is confounding to many people, but this short guide will help demystify it. You’ll learn the difference between traditional publishing and independent publishing, the pros and cons of each, and what to consider when determining which path is best for you. With this practical guide for pursuing publication, you’ll be well on your way to seeing your book out in the world.
Об авторе
Ali Shaw is the founder and executive editor of Indigo: Editing, Design, and More, which has aided more than a thousand books on the path to publication, from blockbusters like Kim Barnouin’s Skinny Bitch Bakery to diverse voices like Nastashia Minto’s Naked to legacy stories published just for the authors’ family and friends. Ali attests that there are few feelings as great as the joy in seeing an author read from their book on tour. A former bookseller and occasional teacher, Ali is also staff for the Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association annual trade show and a passionate supporter of writing communities. She is an avid hiker in Oregon, where she lives with her husband, three kids, dog, and cat.To learn more about Ali’s business, Indigo: Editing, Design, and More, and its team and services, visit www.indigoediting.com. To schedule Ali to teach a Publishing Paths class at your bookstore or a memoir class for your writing group, visit www.ali-shaw.com.