Over the last decade, the use of ion mobility separation in combination with mass spectrometry analysis has developed significantly. This technique adds a unique extra dimension enabling the in-depth analysis of a wide range of complex samples in the areas of the chemical and biological sciences. Providing a comprehensive guide to the technique, each chapter is written by an internationally recognised expert and with numerous different commercial platforms to choose from, this book will help the end users understand the practicalities of using different instruments for different ion mobility purposes.
The first section provides a detailed account of the fundamentals behind the technique and the current range of available instrumentation. The second section focusses on the wide range of applications that have benefitted from ion mobility – mass spectrometry and includes topics taken from current research in the pharmaceutical, metabolomics, glycomics, and structural molecular biology fields. The book is primarily aimed at researchers, appealing to practising chemists and biochemists, as well as those in the pharmaceutical and medical fields.
Ion Mobility–Mass Spectrometry: an Overview; Calculation of Momentum Transfer Cross-sections; Fundamentals of Uniform-field Drift Tube Ion Mobility and Collision Cross Section; Travelling Wave Ion Mobility Separation: Basics and Calibration; Trapped Ion Mobility Spectrometry – Basics and Calibration; Field Asymmetric Ion Mobility Spectrometry (FAIMS) for Advanced Mass Spectrometry; Computational Approaches for Processing Native Ion Mobility–Mass Spectrometry Data; CCS for Modelling 3D Structures; Ion Spectroscopy Coupled to Ion Mobility–Mass Spectrometry; Ion Mobility–Mass Spectrometry of Pharmaceuticals; Ion Mobility Spectrometry in Mass Spectrometry Imaging; Ion Mobility–Mass Spectrometry in Metabolomics Studies; The Role of Ion Mobility for Antibody Characterisation: A Biopharmaceutical Perspective; Insights into Membrane Protein Structure and Function by Means of Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry; Conformational Characterisation of Biomolecules; Advanced IM-MS-based Approaches for Protein Analysis: Collision-induced Unfolding (CIU) and Hyphenation of Liquid Chromatography to IM-MS; Ion-Mobility-Mass Spectrometry of Nucleic Acids; Glycomics and Ion Mobility;