Foreword by Werner Bonefeld (University of York, UK)
Introduction: Open Marxism Against a Closing World — Ana Cecilia Dinerstein (University of Bath, UK), Alfonso García...
Foreword by Werner Bonefeld (University of York, UK)
Introduction: Open Marxism Against a Closing World — Ana Cecilia Dinerstein (University of Bath, UK), Alfonso García Vela (BUAP, Mexico), Edith González (BUAP, Mexico) and John Holloway (BUAP, Mexico)
Part I: Open Marxism and Critical Theory
1. Recognition and Revolution — Richard Gunn (University of Edinburgh, retired) and Adrian Wilding (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)
2. A Critical Theory of Hope: Critical Affirmations, beyond Fear — Ana Cecilia Dinerstein (University of Bath, UK)
3. Objectivity and Critical Theory: Debating Open Marxism — Alfonso García Vela (BUAP, Mexico)
4. Value-Form Theory, Open Marxism and the New Reading of Marx — Frederick Harry Pitts (University of Bristol, UK)
5. Is Open Marxism an Offspring of the Frankfurt School?: Subversive Critique as Method — Mario Schäbel (University of Vienna, Austria)
Part II: State, Capital, Crisis
6. ‘Terminary’ Accumulation or the Limits of Capitalism — Sagrario Anta Martínez (BUAP, Mexico)
7. The State and Global Capital. Revisiting the Debate — Rodrigo Pascual (Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego, Argentina) and Luciana Ghiotto (Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina)
Part III: Democracy, Revolution and Emancipation
8. The Proletariat versus the Working Class: Shifts in Class Struggle in the Twenty-first Century — Katerina Nasioka (Cooperative Institute for Transnational Studies)
9. A New Grammar or an Anti-Grammar of Revolution? On Zapatismo and Open Marxism — Sergio Tischler (BUAP, Mexico)
10. From Revolution to Democracy: The Loss of the Emancipatory Perspective — Edith González (BUAP, Mexico)
11. The Train — John Holloway (BUAP, Mexico)
Notes on Contributors