автор: Andres Gonzalez

I am a mother of four wonderful children, working full-time. As a teenager and young adult, I used to work with children at my local church, teaching them to play guitar, sing, pray, and live a life with values. After getting my accounting degree, I started working at a great company, a company committed to live a culture of values and service. This made me realize the importance of values on everyday life as individuals and a social group, and the huge difference and impact it has in the culture and history of countries. After my fourth daughter was born, I decided I would open a home daycare while my children were little. In the daycare, I saw that even though values can be learned and lived at any age, it is easier to make them a habit in young children; it will make their adult life happier and more fulfilled. When I was taking the training as a preparation to run the home daycare, one of the assignments was to make a book, and this is the book. I wanted to show my children the importance of values, and now I want to share it with other children. I truly believe living with values makes the world a better place for everyone.

3 Электронные книги Andres Gonzalez

Angelica H. Lugo: The Secret Meaning of Values
Values are core to live a fulfilled life, to make the world a better place, and to live in peace. This book will give you everyday examples of the meaning of living with values. …
Andres Gonzalez & Ali Smith: Let Your Light Shine
Scott McIntosh & Caden Costello: Lemurball
It’s almost inevitable that a kid will experience loss at some point in their childhood. Talking to kids about loss though, is hard. How do you start the conversation? How do you make sure they compr …