Covering the period from the death of Alexander the Great to the
celebrated defeat of Antony and Cleopatra at the hands of Augustus,
this authoritative Companion explores the world that Alexander
created but did not live to see.
* Comprises 29 original essays by leading international
* Essential reading for courses on Hellenistic history
* Combines narrative and thematic approaches to the period
* Draws on the very latest research
* Covers a broad range of topics, spanning political, religious,
social, economic and cultural history
Part I Narratives 17
Part II: Protagonists 103
Part III: Change and Continuity 175
Part IV: Greeks and Others 247
Part V: Society and Economy 311
Part VI: Gods and Men 405
Part VII: Arts and Sciences 447
Об авторе
Andrew Erskine is Head of Classics at the University of Edinburgh. He is the author of The Hellenistic Stoa: Political Thought and Action (1990) and Troy between Greece and Rome: Local Tradition and Imperial Power (2001). He has held an Alexander von Humboldt fellowship at the University of Munich.