Andrew H. Knoll is the Fisher Professor of Natural History
at Harvard University. A paleontologist by training, he has worked
for three decades to understand the environmental history of Earth
and, more recently, Mars. Knoll is a member of the U.S. National
Academy of Sciences.
Donald E. Canfield is Professor of Ecology at the
University of Southern Denmark and Director of the Nordic Center
for Earth Evolution (Nord CEE). Canfield uses the study of modern
microbes and microbial ecosystems to understand the evolution of
Earth surface chemistry and biology through time. Canfield is a
member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences.
Kurt O. Konhauser is a Professor of Geomicrobiology at
the University of Alberta. He is Editor-in-Chief for the journal,
Geobiology, and author of the textbook, Introduction to
Geomicrobiology. His research focuses on metal-mineral-microbe
interactions in both modern and ancient environments.
10 Электронные книги Andrew H. Knoll
Andrew H. Knoll & Don E. Canfield: Fundamentals of Geobiology
2012 PROSE Award, Earth Science: Honorable Mention For more than fifty years scientists have been concerned with the interrelationships of Earth and life. Over the past decade, however, geobiology, t …
Andrew H. Knoll & Don E. Canfield: Fundamentals of Geobiology
2012 PROSE Award, Earth Science: Honorable Mention For more than fifty years scientists have been concerned with the interrelationships of Earth and life. Over the past decade, however, geobiology, t …
Andrew H. Knoll: Life on a Young Planet
Australopithecines, dinosaurs, trilobites—such fossils conjure up images of lost worlds filled with vanished organisms. But in the full history of life, ancient animals, even the trilobites, form on …
Paul Falkowski & Andrew H. Knoll: Evolution of Primary Producers in the Sea
Evolution of Primary Producers in the Sea reference examines how photosynthesis evolved on Earth and how phytoplankton evolved through time — ultimately to permit the evolution of complex life, inclu …
Saul A. Newman & Karl J. Niklas: Multicellularity
Scholars consider the origins and consequences of the evolution of multicellularity, addressing a range of organisms, experimental protocols, theoretical concepts, and philosophical issues.The evolut …
Andrew H. Knoll: Brief History of Earth
Harvards acclaimed geologist charts Earths history in accessible style(AP)A sublime chronicle of our planet."Booklist, STARRED review How well do you know the ground beneath your feet?Odds are, …
Brett Calcott & Kim Sterelny: Major Transitions in Evolution Revisited
Drawing on recent advances in evolutionary biology, prominent scholars return to the question posed in a pathbreaking book: how evolution itself evolved.In 1995, John Maynard Smith and Eors Szathmary …
Andrew H. Knoll: Die kürzeste Geschichte der Erde
4 Milliarden Jahre in 8 Kapiteln Wie gut kennen Sie den Boden unter Ihren Füßen? Es ist gut möglich, dass die Erde, auf der Sie stehen, einst aus einem brodelnden Lavameer oder gewaltigen Eisdecken b …
Andrew H. Knoll: Die kürzeste Geschichte der Erde
4 Milliarden Jahre in 8 Kapiteln Wie gut kennen Sie den Boden unter Ihren Füßen? Es ist gut möglich, dass die Erde, auf der Sie stehen, einst aus einem brodelnden Lavameer oder gewaltigen Eisdecken b …
Andrew H. Knoll: Uma breve história da terra
‘Há décadas na vanguarda da descoberta e pesquisa, Andrew H. Knoll tem sido um dos principais cientistas do nosso planeta. Em Uma Breve História da Terra, Knoll nos conduz por uma história de detetiv …