This is the first book to focus on how racism affects the housing choices available to black and other ethnic minority groups and how this contributes to social exclusion. Using a practical approach, the contributors analyse the implications of social exclusion, offering suggestions for good practice in the allocation of housing for black and other ethnic minority groups. ‘Race’, Housing and Social Exclusion shows how racism and the shortage of housing workers from black and other ethnic minorities constrain the choices available to these groups, thereby preventing them from having an active role in society. Each chapter investigates a different aspect of the situation that black and other ethnic minority groups face, including:
Their housing needs
The procedure of the allocation of housing
Patterns of housing settlement of black and other ethnic minority groups
The employment of black and other ethnic minority staff in housing associations.
This book also gives examples of the experiences and aspirations of black and other ethnic minority groups and relates them to subjects such as cultural differences within and among black and other ethnic minority groups, and the further social exclusion which arises from housing associations which help a specific ethnic minority group. `Race’, Housing and Social Exclusion challenges existing views, which are based on broad generalisations of black and other ethnic minority groups, and also points to future policy making and strategic planning.
1. Introduction, Peter Somerville and Andy Steele. 2. Theorising Ethnic and `Racial’ Exclusion in Housing, Peter Ratcliffe, University of Warwick. 3. Patterns of Residential Settlement among Black and Minority Ethnic Groups, Alison Bowes and Duncan Sim, University of Stirling. 4. The Housing Needs of Black and Minority Ethnic Groups, Malcolm Harrison, University of Leeds, Glen Gidley, Sheffield Hallam University and Richard Tomlins, de Montfort University. 5. Widening Locational Choices for Minority Ethnic Groups in the Social Rented Sector Deborah Phillips and Rachel Unsworth, University of Leeds.6. Missing the Target? Discrimination and Exclusion in the Allocation of Social Housing, David Robinson, Sheffield Hallam University. 7. Black and Minority Ethnic Housing Associations, Malcolm Harrison.8. Black and Minority Ethnic Employment in Housing Organisations, Peter Somerville, Andy Steele and Dianne Sodhi.9. The Diverse Experiences of Black and Minority Ethnic Women in Relation to Housing and Social Exclusion, Fahmeeda Gill, Service User. 10. Black Youth Homelessness, Andy Steele. 11. The Housing of Older Black and Asian People, Naina Patel and Ballu Patel, BP and Associates Ltd.12. Black and Minority Ethnic Participation and Empowerment, Steve Gayle, Community Development Adviser, North British Housing Association.13. From Refuge to Exclusion: Housing as an Instrument of Social Exclusion for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the UK Martyn Pearl and Roger Zetter, Oxford Brookes University. 14. Housing Disadvantage in the Inner City: The Needs and Preferences of Ethnic Minorities in Sub-standard Housing, Ade Kearns. 15. The Housing Experience of Minority Ethnic Groups in Northern Ireland , Chris Mac Kay and Jim Glacklin, University of Ulster.6. The Housing Experiences of Black and Minority Ethnic Groups in Europe, Ronald van Kempen and A. Sule Ozueken, Utrecht University.17. Conclusion, Peter Somerville and Andy Steele. References. Index.