The African museum landscape is changing. A new generation of scholars and curators is setting international standards for the reappraisal and revision of colonial collections, the conception of curatorial spaces, and the integration of new groups of actors. In the face of the ghostly survival of colonial epistemologies in archives, displays, and architectures, it is a matter of breaking up institutional encrustations and infrastructures, inventing new museum practices, and bringing archives to life. Scholars and museum experts predominantly working in Africa and South America discuss the post/colonial history of museums, their political-economic entanglements, the significance of diasporic objects, as well as the prospects for restitution and its consequences. The contributions to this issue of Zf K are all presented in English.
Based on the works of Waverly Duck and Anne Rawls, the debate section is devoted to forms of everyday racism and the way interaction orders of race are institutionalized.
Об авторе
Martin Zillinger (Prof. Dr.), geb. 1973, lehrt Ethnologie mit dem Schwerpunkt Religions- und Medienethnologie an der Universität zu Köln. Seit seiner Dissertation zu Trance-Medien und Neuen Medien in Marokko interessiert er sich für künstlerische, religiöse und wissenschaftliche Formen der Auseinandersetzung mit Fremderfahrungen.