Anne Margaret Smith is a specialist tutor and assessor for students with Sp LDs. She is the editor of Activities for Inclusive Language Teaching: Valuing Diversity in the ELT Classroom (Delta Publishing, 2020). Her company ELT Well offers advice and training for teachers and assessors who want to explore the overlap between language learning and Sp LDs.
4 Электронные книги Anne Margaret Smith
Judit Kormos & Anne Margaret Smith: Teaching Languages to Students with Specific Learning Differences
This book is intended to help language teachers to work effectively and successfully with students who have specific learning differences (Sp LD) such as dyslexia. The book takes an inclusive and pra …
Judit Kormos & Anne Margaret Smith: Teaching Languages to Students with Specific Learning Differences
This book is intended to help language teachers to work effectively and successfully with students who have specific learning differences (Sp LD) such as dyslexia. The book takes an inclusive and pra …
Judit Kormos & Anne Margaret Smith: Teaching Languages to Students with Specific Learning Differences
This book is intended to help language teachers to work effectively and successfully with students who have Specific Learning Differences (Sp LDs). It enables teachers to gain a thorough understandin …
Judit Kormos & Anne Margaret Smith: Teaching Languages to Students with Specific Learning Differences
This book is intended to help language teachers to work effectively and successfully with students who have Specific Learning Differences (Sp LDs). It enables teachers to gain a thorough understandin …